Friday, December 15, 2006

Arrived safe in Kandy

Hi from Kandy!!!

I arrived on their Wednesday morning at 1am, and a lovely guy named Danny picked me up in a truck all decked out with gadgets like those UN trucks with FRIDSRO posted on it! Too cool! He was listening to Santana and we drove to Kandy in 90 minutes (later I was told it was to take 2 hours, but he's a fast driver!). Danny was a Fridsro child and now works for the organization. He is 30 years old, married and went to Fridsro when he was 8 years old.

When we arrived at Jake and Julie's home, I was starting to get dizzy from jet lag, but we talked for an hour and I finally went to bed at 3am Kandy time. Their home is so lovely, and Kandy is gorgeous. A beautiful green hilltown, but the 2nd largest in Sri Lanka after Colombo. It's fairly cool here right now as well. Kandy had a lot of rain in the prior months, so the mosquitos are out in full force and Dengue Fever and some chicken Fever is on the prowl. Thankfully, mosquitos have never liked my blood.

I read Running in the Family, buy Michael Ondaatje (author of The English Patient), while on the plane. It is his family memoir about growing up in Sri Lanka. So far, it all feels so similar to the book. And, I read Anna Greta Perera's memoir from Singapore to Colombo. She is Jake's mother and started Fridsro 30 years ago. She is truly an amazing woman. A mother Theresa. She left her hometown in Sweden to come to SL and started a home for 12 children which then grew to 100 children. She is lovely and gorgeous. The memoir was unbelievable. She has endured so much. Currently, she is recovering from Dengue Fever so say a prayer for her if you think of it.

Wednesday, I stayed around the home all day just trying to recover from jet lag, and I played kitchen with Asia, Julie's 2nd girl. She is 4 and has more energy than I could ever imagine. We played kitchen for a very long time. very long time. We also decorated their Xmas tree. I can't remember much else from Wednesday. Think I was in a blurrrrr....

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